Source code for rdc.etl.extra.simple

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012-2014 Romain Dorgueil
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from import STDIN
from rdc.etl.transform import Transform
from rdc.etl.util import filter_html

def _apply_filter(value, hash, filter):
    # method filter
    if isinstance(filter, str):
        return getattr(value, filter)()

    # multi filter (gets the hash along with value
    elif hasattr(filter, '_is_multi') and filter._is_multi:
        return filter(value, hash)

    # simple standard filter, just a callable that transforms a value
    return filter(value)

class _SimpleItemTransformationDescriptor(object):
    def __init__(self, getter=None, *filters):
        self.getter = getter
        self.filters = list(filters)
        self.conditions = []

    def filter(self, filter):
        return self

    def filter_multi(self, filter):
        filter._is_multi = True
        return self

    def save_as(self, k, filter=None):
        """ Save the currently filtered value in another field, in its current state. You can still apply filters after
        this, but it's used to persist a partially transformed value.

        :param k: key to save under

        def _filter(v, h, k=k, filter=filter):
            h[k] = _apply_filter(v, h, filter) if filter is not None else v
            return v

        return self.filter_multi(_filter)

    def filter_html(self):
        return self

    def if_none(self, field=None):
        TODO document this and add a generic if_

        Mark a field transformation to apply only the current value of a field is none. If no field is provided, then
        it looks at the target field.

        def condition(hash, name, field=field):
            field = field or name
            return (not field in hash) or (hash[field] is None)

        self.conditions.insert(0, condition)
        return self

    def prepend(self, *fields, **options):
        cond = options.get('cond', None)
        postfix = options.get('postfix', None)
        separator = options.get('separator', '')

        # default conditions
        if cond is None:
            cond = lambda v: v and len(v)
        elif not callable(cond):
            cond = lambda v: cond

        def _filter(v, h, fields=fields, cond=cond, postfix=postfix, separator=separator):
            out = separator.join([h.get(field) for field in fields if cond(h.get(field))])
            if len(out) and postfix:
                out = out + postfix
            return out + (v or '')

        return self.filter_multi(_filter)

    def append(self, *fields, **options):
        cond = options.get('cond', None)
        prefix = options.get('prefix', None)
        separator = options.get('separator', '')

        # default conditions
        if cond is None:
            cond = lambda v: v and len(v)
        elif not callable(cond):
            cond = lambda v: cond

        def _filter(v, h, fields=fields, cond=cond, prefix=prefix, separator=separator):
            out = separator.join([h.get(field) for field in fields if cond(h.get(field))])
            if len(out) and prefix:
                out = prefix + out
            return (v or '') + out

        return self.filter_multi(_filter)

    def set_getter(self, getter):
        self.getter = getter
        return self

    def __call__(self, hash):
        if isinstance(self.getter, str):
            _name = self.getter

            def getter(o):
                    return o[_name]
                except KeyError, e:
                    return None

            getter.func_name = 'get_' + str(_name)

        elif isinstance(self.getter, unicode):
            _name = self.getter.encode('utf-8')

            def getter(o):
                    return o[_name]
                except KeyError, e:
                    return None

            getter.func_name = 'get_' + str(_name)

            getter = self.getter
            _name = repr(self.getter)

        value = getter(hash)

        for filter in self.filters:
            value = _apply_filter(value, hash, filter)

        return value

[docs]class SimpleTransform(Transform): """SimpleTransform is an attempt to make a trivial transformation easy to build, using fluid APIs and a lot of easy shortcuts to apply filters to some fields. The API is not stable and this will probably go into an "extra" module later. Example: >>> t = SimpleTransform() Apply "upper" method on "name" field, and store it back in "name" field. >>> t.add('name').filter('upper') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <rdc.etl.extra.simple._SimpleItemTransformationDescriptor object at ...> Apply the lambda to "description" field content, and store it into the "full_description" field. >>> t.add('full_description', 'description').filter(lambda v: 'Description: ' + v) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <rdc.etl.extra.simple._SimpleItemTransformationDescriptor object at ...> Remove the previously defined "useless" descriptor. This does not remove the "useless" fields into transformed hashes, it is only usefull to override some parent stuff. >>> t.useless = 'foo' >>> t.delete('useless') Mark the "notanymore" field for deletion upon transform. Output hashes will not anymore contain this field./ >>> t.remove('notanymore') Add a field (output hashes will contain this field, all with the same "foo bar" value). >>> t.test_field = 'foo bar' .. todo:: XXX the way it's implemented is very error prone, as we need to exclude "builtins" manually from __dict__ iteration. A separate dict for transformed items would be better, as we don't use the "descriptor" ability of attribute classes anyway. """ DescriptorClass = _SimpleItemTransformationDescriptor def __init__(self, *filters): super(SimpleTransform, self).__init__() self._filters = list(filters) def transform(self, hash, channel=STDIN): for name, value_getter in self.__dict__.items(): if name[0] == '_' or name in ('INPUT_CHANNELS', 'OUTPUT_CHANNELS', 'transform' ): continue try: conditions = list(value_getter.conditions) except Exception, e: conditions = [] can_update = True for condition in conditions: if not condition(hash, name): can_update = False break if can_update: if callable(value_getter): hash[name] = value_getter(hash) else: hash[name] = value_getter for filter in self._filters: hash = filter(hash) return hash def add(self, name, getter=None): if getter is None: getter = name descr = self.DescriptorClass(getter) setattr(self, name, descr) return descr def delete(self, name): """ Unset a descriptor. """ delattr(self, name) def remove(self, *names): """ Removes a field in hash, using a post transform filter. """ self.filter(lambda t, names=names: t.remove(*names)) def filter(self, filter): """ Adds a post transform filter. """ self._filters.append(filter) return self